What is Meant by Mind Training

For most people, mind training is subconscious, random, ad-hoc, inadequate consequence of life’s challenges and experiences. A bit like throwing all documents in a box without a cataloguing and retrieval system. Most learn to think incidentally as a biproduct of general studies at school, good and bad experiences, trial and error, and failure and success. Less of the latter. Hopefully, some learn from wise and dedicated parents. Personally, I was lucky, because my parents, though poorly educated had PMAs (positive mental attitude) were hard working, wise and loving. Still, being dyslexic and having left school at 14 years of age, I was 5-6 years behind my peers. I faced a mammoth challenge to catch up and qualify as a professional, as it happened in multiple disciplines to pursue my dreams. Consequently, I empathise with those that have unfulfilled latent potential. My mother always taught me “It is a matter of mind over matter” though she knew not how. It wasn’t until my latter years, that I discovered how, researched it and now teach it.

Mind training enables practitioners to better understand the practical aspect of its working. Then to train in how to capitalise on one’s latent potential. I simplified this by teaching others to consider the mind ‘the software’ that operates, the human entity (physical, mental, emotional and to a degree spiritual) and to consider the brain the cpu (central processing unit). The body’s nervous system can be likened to the circuitry in a computer bus that communicates with distributed and dedicated functions (input, output, processing and memory devices). Considering this then makes it easier to understand how to edit the mind (the operating system) for improved: thinking, attitudes, perception, habits, behaviours, performance and results, including, happiness. Positive results are then feedback into perception to help drive an upward spiral in positivity, positive thinking and greater success. As the meerkats say in the Australian TV commercial “Simple”.

Understanding, tools and techniques can be taught, but participants need to apply and practice.

I can guide you how to think, but you must decide what to think. It is NOT like hypnosis that can influence susceptible people to perform strange and funny activities. You will have complete control and responsibility for your own thinking. Use it only for good not selfish purpose.

What to Expect from MetaMind® Training

Basic MetaMind® Mind Power Training can be supplemented to give extra focus on memory skills, and study skills. However, examination techniques training, although relatively simple in principle, is a separate session and requires practice to hone skills.

There are four components:

  1. General mind training,
  2. Memory input and recall training,
  3. Study skills, and
  4. Examination technique.

The intention of developing examinations skills is to by raising:

  • Self-control and emotional calm to raise effectiveness.
  • Self-confidence.
  • The ability to attain a state of consciousness more conducive to recall and for clear communication.
  • Understand the examiners need to identify salient points and to award mark (points) and justify point allocations.
  • By increased understanding and technique for sitting examinations to increase confidence,
  • The techniques apply to question analysis, comprehension, question prioritisation, time management, and answer presentation.

The above, with a view to gaining an extra grade, e.g., turning a fail result into a pass or a credit into a distinction.

I myself, developed the practical aspects of the technique over many years of study and qualifying. I recall that I once sat 20 examination papers in one month. Later I sat my teaching, surveyors and Chartered Builders’ finals all in one month, passing all three. An accomplishment for a partial dyslexic. For my first and very intensive Master’s course examination, 16 subjects were compressed into 10 papers over 2 weeks. 90% failed in the previous year. Fail 2 papers, and candidates were required to wait one year and re-sit all papers which, may have undergone syllabus and course content revisions. I passed first time.

Further, when lecturing at Edith Cowan University, UNE and Swansea, I wrote examination questions and was an examiner.

The MetaMind® Programme is flexible and adaptable (bespoke) to meet individual needs and could take 10-20 hours depending on individual capacity to absorb and practice. However, most people start with a 90 minutes introduction and a demonstration therapy. This is sufficient for some to recognize the potential and start to practice, or it can be the foundation to further study. Follow up support may require additional sessions or a phone catch up with a question. One client, an ICT Project Manager, used to visit for a 1 hour per month follow up session to keep developing and to keep his mind tuned for higher health and performance, and less stress.

I reiterate that MetaMind® is flexible to respond to and service individual needs, challenges, aspirations and situations.

Who is Likely to Benefit from MetaMind® Training?

MetaMind® training is potentially beneficial for 95-100% of the population over 11 years of age.

Mind Power Training, or the continuing applications of MetaMind® is potentially beneficial to people and personnel:

  1. Those who haven’t been taught to think (haven’t taken Thinking 101) more effectively and haven’t mastered it adequately on their own. The 98%.
  2. Those with dreams and aspiration above their perceived ability, that would rather raise their thinking and ability than lower either their dreams and aspirations.
  3. Those battling and struggling with the demands of life, education, career and The Quickening.
  4. Those in environments demanding technological, managerial and product innovation, such as engineering, defence, R&D, highly competitive solution development, or sales and contracting environments.
  5. Those in high stress and demanding environments, such as senator’s and MP’s offices, ER or ED and ICU.
  6. Organisations displaying high staff attrition and absenteeism rates or turnover, such as age care, commercial kitchens, contractor use, healthcare and education.
  7. Those in high stress or high-risk environments, e.g., undercover investigation.
  8. Those involved in activities involving: bespoke work, design, innovations, problems, issues, conflicts, disputes, interruption, negotiation, industrial action, negligence claims, D&C, medical, etc.
  9. In competitive environments, sports or business.
  10. In education and study, or when seeking career progression.
  11. In dynamic and changing environments, such as farmers adapting to climate change.
  12. In adversity, disaster recovery or crisis, e.g., drought, fire, flood, accident, or crime, where trauma has been experienced, and /or those operating in dynamic environments.

What are the Objectives of MetaMind® Training?

The objectives of general mind training are:

  • Educating and understanding thinking processes.
  • Appreciating the power and influence of one’s emotions on our own DNA, our health and even the material world, “MIND over MATTER”.
  • Improved memory skills, storing and recalling.
  • Enable mind editing and programming.
  • Thinking and working smarter.
  • Accelerate learning and enhance recall.
  • Inform and raise insight and teach techniques to enable: health happiness, high performance and success.
  • Building self-image, self-esteem and self-confidence compatible with humility.
  • Relaxation, energising, healing and emotional control techniques.
  • Preparation, practice, repetition, expectation, visualization, emotionalisation association, goal setting and accomplishment.
  • Learning from failure, application, persistence, prioritisation, presentation.
  • Effective and efficient communication skills, particularly for, persuasive writing of submissions and examination papers.
  • Drawing on your full potential.
  • Winning, support, approvals, resources, submissions, tenders, achievements, etc.
  • Positive results.

The Importance of Study and Examination Skills

Study and examinations skills, are important, if those activities are pivotal to your life and essential for your progress. To potentially score one, or even two, higher grades, not points, can turn a fail into a pass, a credit into a distinction, and a performance based, employment assessment into a job offer.

Sometimes there is a razors edge type critical decision situation, where a slight improvement in an examination or interview score, or manifestation of confidence and ability in an interview can influence a decision in your favour.

Study and Examination Skills Help Students Improve their Performance?

It is not just the brilliant that can study and learn effectively, but also battlers can release latent study ability. The first need is to better understand one’s learning style. VARK fundamental styles: visual, auditory, reading/writing, and kinaesthetic.

Personally, I remember information when I have a clear understanding of it, but I have met people who learn by rote, but can’t understand of meaning or application well, so they lack the ability to apply their knowledge. Few people have photographic memory, most need repetition and technique to enhance memory recall. Additionally, many need organisation, structure, time management, gradual build up preparation, etc., for examinations. I realised early on that my notes needed to be well structured and clear for my understanding and recall to be comprehensive.

How to Apply your Intellect with Mind Power Training?

You will learn about your potential mind power, how to capitalise on and apply it to meet minor and major situations in daily and long-term life. From how to get a parking space when and where you need it, to how to qualify and get better employment. How to ask life to fulfil your needs, like safe transport and a home. How to attract the life partner of your dreams, but there are no promises, it is more about how you go about it. The application is up to you, your belief, justification and practice. However, huge pivotal dreams can be realised. Extraordinary results are possible. I have had several major successes with health and career.

“If you think you can, or you think that you can’t, you’re right.” Henry Ford

“What the MIND can conceive and believe, with the Grace of God, it can achieve.” Adapted from Napoleon Hill by Dr Michael.

“MIND over MATTER occurs anyway, so learn to make it positive.” Dr Michael.

The Benefits of Mind Power Training

The Benefits of Mind Power Training, include;

  • Clearly defined, unselfish purpose, mission or calling of worth, which gives justification, motivation, direction, steps and confidence.
  • More acute, focused and realistic perception and input filtering. Filtering our negative influences from nay sayers, obstructors, change resistors, credit thieves, etc.
  • Improved analysis and assessment of: people (allies) resources, risks, challenges, opportunities, potential outcomes and benefits.
  • The ability to edit and improve your own mind, to replace bad habits with good habits, set goals, innovate, solve problems, resolve issues, etc.
  • Greater integrity, self-esteem and self-confidence.
  • Greater ability and skills based on education, intuition, experience, information, tools, techniques and preparation. Knowing how to think smarter.
  • Clearer and better structured thinking and decision, justified and supported by higher integrity.
  • An understanding and belief in the principles and influence of MIND over MATTER.
  • Higher goals setting, Higher expectation, justified need and deserving.
  • Ability to learn from failure and persist. Try, try and try again.
  • Higher health, energy, performance and successful results, leading to higher prosperity.
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