Terminology and the Potential of MetaMind® Over Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

N.B. I rarely use the term Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (Behavioral or Behaviour) (CBT) because I consider the therapy narrower in concept, scope and application than the more holistic method I use. CBT developments such as Mindfulness. Cognitive Therapy tends to be superficial and both are claimed to have short lived results. I use the term in the website, merely because readers may use it as a search term or to seek general understanding.

Cognitive relates to conscious thinking, memory, decision, problem solving, etc., whereas, although I use CBT, I also work through an holistic (multi-facetted) approach to editing, or “re-coding”, or re-training (mind programming) the “subconscious mind” to achieve enduring outcomes. I found and believe this to be a more enduring, holistic and effective. Consequently, the “Meta” (with and beyond) way of thinking, hence MetaMind®, with the potential for enduring, even life-long results.

Mental Health and Physical Health via MetaMind®

Mental health and physical health are very strongly interrelated. If either is unwell it has great potential to impair the other. They are symbiotic and when optimized produce synergy. Mental health, the quality of our thoughts and emotions, is probably the easiest to concentrate on initially. One’s thoughts strongly effect one’s feelings and emotions, and emotion have a huge impact on one’s perception, relationships, learning and memory, motivation, ideas (innovation) ability to solve problems, and resolve issues and conflicts, one’s energy, persistence and tenacity to undertake and complete essential tasks, and there are many in life today. But most of all, emotion’s impact on one’s DNA, body chemistry, immune system and therefore our health and more.

Research has found that our thoughts, emotions and prayers influence our DNA and that our DNA influences the external world around us, e.g., the DNA of others and the material world. We are interconnected with our world, not separate. We are both participants and influencers of our world. Our influence is so strong, that even observing our world and universe influences it.In conclusion, our thoughts and emotions, not only influence our health, but the DNA of others and makesour lack of awareness and carelessness potentially dangerous to others. Unknowingly, the Force is with us,so make it positive and worthy for yourself, others and our world. Maintain a PMA whenever possible.

Positive Benefits of Mental Health

Good Mental Health is the foundation to health happiness, performance and success. The ability to:

  • Optimise stress, minimize anxiety, eliminate guilt and anger, control emotions and obsessions.
  • Sleep well, sleep that re-energise, heal, maintain health. Maintain optimal physical health for endurance and sustainability.
  • Relate to, co-operate and collaborate with others and to achieve synergy performing on larger tasks involving others.
  • Enable us to overcome adversity and prejudices, to meet expectations and, challenges, to marshal resources, to create critical mass when meeting the challenges and opportunities of life are essential, and depend on good mental health.

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy or MetaMind®. What is the difference?

CBT is a type of psychotherapy. It may help you to change unhelpful or unhealthy ways of thinking, feeling and behaving. CBT uses practical self-help strategies. These are designed to treat depression and anxiety, and improve your quality of life in the short term.

However, the MetaMind® Programme was developed to be significantly more powerful than CBT or NLP (neuro linguistic programming) with potentially more enduring results. However, note that there are similarities.

Design characteristics of MetaMind® are to make the programme easy to understand and fun to practice, whilst more effective. Benefits depend on individual beliefs, potential, commitment and practice. 

The Advantages of MetaMind®

CBT, “the MetaMind® way”, is not only therapeutic, but also transformational in treating stress, anxiety, depression, guilt, anger, grief, insomnia, obsessions, and can greatly improve both mental and physical health, learning, memory, relationship, setting course in life, sports and career performance, equipping practitioners to better cope with (survive and thrive) The Quickening pace of and challenges of life.

What is the Age Range?

MetaMind® is not specific to any age range, but I have seen people from 11 to 76 years of age benefit. However, I like young and vulnerable people to be chaperoned for their own comfort and assurance. Further, parents are then informed to be a mentor.

Physical Health and Mental Health are Interrelated

Poor or declining physical health can cause pain, distraction, interrupt sleep and add anxiety and stress, even lead to depression, because mental and physical health are considerably interrelated. Fortunately, MetaMind® techniques can improve both physical and mental health.

Key Attributes of MetaMind®

The key attributes of MetaMind® are that it is simple in principle, yet powerful, drug free and once the skill is learned it is a cost-free skill for life.

MetaMind® practice, though simple in principle, can be very varied in practice to meet individual needs and preferences. MetaMind® is easy to justify and practice, more efficient and far more effective. It is a skill for life and therefore best learnt well. It is easily adapted to personal values, needs and situations that may arise in dynamic, challenging and evolving life. It is not merely a therapy for mental health tuning, but also a tool to enable higher accomplishment and joy in life.

It is rather like the skills of reading and writing, once the skill is learnt it will improve with practice and gives a reader great choice. As readers have freedom of choice to read many texts for learning, interest and amusement, so do MetaMind® practitioners have the choice whether or not and when to apply the skill for benefit.

MetaMind® Programmes Available

MetaMind® Programme Options:

  • Psychological Counselling.
  • Introductory training and treatment.
  • Bespoke training tailored to individual client needs and aspiration.
  • Follow up or regular treatments.
  • Further and more detailed and specific training, with a wide range of tools and techniques.
  • Delivery Options:
    • In my home office in Canberra.
    • In your venue (home or office).
    • Individually, or in a group.
    • Live, face to face, or electronically by phone or internet.
    • Potentially, in the future,
      • By software and your intranet, to relax and energise staff on their demand.
      • Instruction book.
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